3rd TPM in Trani, Italy
ITALY 28th February – 1st March 2023
A few months after the second transnational project meeting that took place in Greece, representatives from the 8 partner organizations involved in “Zero Waste” project had the opportunity to meet once again in person, this time in Trani, Italy.
During the meeting, the consortium discussed, among other things, the progress of the second (PR2) and the third project result (PR3). More specifically, the final teachers’ training course material, as well as the online platform hosting it, were presented. Both were developed in accordance with the guidelines given by the project result’s leading partner and the feedback provided by the consortium. The training course contains detailed information on food loss and food waste, the causes of food waste and the stages where it occurs, the impact of food waste on the food chain, the environment and the economy, as well as the ways one can reduce food waste in everyday life.
Moreover, the leading partner for PR2 presented the template to be used by all partners for the teaching resources for students, which will be co-created together with teachers in Secondary Education. The consortium discussed the next steps (such as the piloting activities for both the training material and the teaching resources, as well as the finalization and translations of both) and agreed on specific deadlines for the implementation of each task. At the same time, the partner organizations had an initial discussion on the policy recommendations that are about to be developed later on.
Furthermore, the consortium discussed the next steps for PR3, which is dedicated to the development of Zero Waste serious game. Finally, during the meeting the partners discussed the dates and relevant details regarding the train the trainers short-term training event that is going to take place in Spain, along with the project’s management, dissemination and quality assurance and evaluation plan current status.